Mother Lover 5.2.2024 Event SurveyThis short survey is to gather information so we can best support you and your practice with infant feeding needs and beyond. You are appreciated! Name/Organization * 1. What are the most common challenges you encounter when working with mothers who need support with breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or pumping? (Select all that apply) * Lack of trusted breastfeeding support/resources/referrals Difficulty with latch Challenges surrounding milk supply Maternal health issues affecting feeding Possible Tongue/Lip Tie with need for care plan and referrals Insufficient information on bottle feeding Insufficient information on pumping techniques Balancing work and breastfeeding/pumping Other (please specify below) 1a. Other 2. How do you currently address these challenges in your practice? * 3. In what ways are you interested in collaborating with the honey infant feeding clinic to support your practice to manage these challenges? (select all that apply) * I plan to refer to the Honey Infant Feeding Clinic and chart share in order to provide the most elevated collaborative care. I would love the HIFC to come onsite to my practice and offer care to my patients. I'm interested in the HIFC providing educational resources for myself and my team about breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, and pumping. I would like to provide my services onsite at Honey in collaboration with the HIFC I would like the Honey team to bring lunch to our team and offer a lunch and learn for our whole staff. Other (please specify below) 3a. Other 4. What additional resources or support do you feel would be beneficial in assisting you with advising mothers in your practice with infant feeding? * 5. What other Honey services do you plan to refer your clients and patients to? (Select all that apply) * Therapy - individuals, couples, all stages of parenthood Psychiatry and Medication Management - holistic options and pharmacogenetic testing Childbirth Education - labor, birth, babycare, maternal and paternal mental health, infant feeding Psychosocial Support groups - for pregnancy through the first five years (day and evening) Special Events (Please suggest special events below! Our Fall calendar is in the works!) 5a. Special Event Suggestions Thank you for you! - Team Honey Thank you for your responses. We appreciate your participation and look forward to working with you.Thank you, Team Honey